Tucson Daily Citizen from Tucson, Arizona (2024)

PAGE 16 Barons Mexico Centuries-old ways prevail By VICENTE MORALES MEXICO CITY (AP) Thousands of people in Mexico live as their forefathers did for centuries -r under land and business barons who cling to power with a rule of terror. Government authorities say these masters of rural Mexico control vast stretches of land, indulge in loan-sharking, monopolize grain buying, deal in gun running and drug traffic and even control retail business in some areas. They are known as caciques, a holdover term from Mexico's 16th century when the Spanish conquerors took what they wanted, enslaved Indians and killed those who resisted. A lawyer at the College of Mexico, an academic research institution, blames the existence of caciques on the Mexican system. "Under our system, the man who climbs the ladder to a political position immediately has access to the power of money.

And when, he has money he has at his disposal a political position or the politicians," said the lawyer, who asked not to be identified. A federal agent, Joaquin Rojas Moreno, says caciques "exist by the hundreds in Mexico." The Mexican government claims it recently broke' up three big cacicazgos, as the caciques' organizations are called. The most recent federal operation was against a cacicazgo of six brothers in the area of Tapachula, a city of 50,000 in the hot, humid region of cotton and coffee plantations in' southern Mexico along the Guatemala border. Authorities claim the gang headed by the six Anton brothers operated there for 10 years without fear of the law. It was the law.

One of the six brothers was the chief of police and the mayor was On the brothers' payroll, authorities said. Those who angered the six brothers of the Anton family were the victims'Of cacicazgo justice delivered from the barrel of a gun. Police officials claim a Tapachula service station operator, Saul Anchieta, was one of the more recent victims. They said he had refused to pay one of the Anton brothers for a tractor that had broken down after it was lubricated at the station. Not long afterwards, Anchieta and his 5-year-old nephew were on a Sunday drive downtown.

Pellets from four sawed-off shotguns fired from a moving car struck the man and youngster, killing both. "This is what happens to those who defraud the people," said a note found at the station after the slayings. At the bottom of the note was the semblance of a black hand, the sign that authorities say the Anton family used. U.S.-Europe air fare rises again FORT LAUNDERDALE, Fla. (AP) Air travelers between the United States and Europe, already hit with three fare hikes this year, face an additional 5 per cent increase.

Transatlantic carrier members of the International Air Transport Association broke a months-long deadlock and voted to ask affected governments for the fare boost, effective Aug. 1. The price of the least expensive round-trip fare from New York to London, for example, would rise to $430 on a scheduled line during the peak summer months. Minister's mate has rights, too LOUISVILLE (DPI) The general assembly of the United Presbyterian Church has endorsed a proposal affirming the right of a minister's mate "to freely choose church membership or nonmember- ship." The option, contained in a "Bill of Rights for Minister's Spouses," was accompanied by a statement affirming the right of clergymen's spouses "to seek equal employment of his or her choice." TUCSON A I I I i WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1974 -'-HBf A A 4TH NOW PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 26 THRU JUNE 29, 1974 at SAFEWAY STORES IN TUCSON AT: Broadway Wllmot Broadway Campbell (L) N. 1st Ave.

Grant S. 12th Avenue Ajo E. Broadway Camlno Seeo (L) Oracle West Roger Road (L) Kolb Golf Links Road (L) Grant Swan Roads (L) (L) In-Store Liquor Dept. (B) In-Store Bakery STOCK UP FOR THE BIG OF JULY HOLIDAY AT SAFEWAY Safeway Will Be Open July 4th 9 AM To 7 PM For Your Shopping Convenience! SAFEWAY WIENERS GROUND BEEF Meat or Beef. A favorite for every outing.

Full Pound Pkg. 66 0 REGULAR. Always fresh. For juicy hamburgers Ib. 69 0 U.S.D.

A. FOOD STAMP COUPONS Gladly Accepted Wieners Smokie Links Variety Pak Sliced Oicar Mayer Beef or Meat Mb. pkg. Oscar Mayer 12-oz. pkg.

Oscar Mayer Lunch Meats 12-oz. pkg. Meiucan-iryle Sausage Safeway Sausage 93' Chorizo 9 Port Sausage 0 8 5 Breakfost Beef Ib. Ib. 39' Jimmy Dean.

Reg. or Hot 1 2-oz. pkg. Safeway Varieties 3-oz. pkg.

1 2-oz. roll I Farmer John 8 pVg. 39 Sliced Bacon TM i "TM io So Zippy Brand Pickles Hamburger, Kosher, Whole Dill, Whole Kosher 48-oz. 'gls. 79 Miracle Whip Salad Dressing NuMade Salad Dressing, 32-oz.

32-oz. gls. 79 Cragmont Soda Pop 32 oz. Btls Refreshing flavors. TM Returnable bottles (plus deposit) 1 Safeway Preground Coffee Fresh ground flavor and aroma 1 Ib.

bag 95 Brand per Napkins Assorted colors. Buy plenty! Pkg. of 60 15 gular or King Cigarettes Stock up now before the new -state tax effective July 1 $941 3 Ozark Charcoal Briquets Fast long lasting 10-lb. bag 89 Brown Derby Canned Beer In easy-to-chill cans. Why pay more? 6 99 REFRIGERATED AND FROZEN FOODS BUYS AT SAFEWAY! Sour Cream Orange Juice Whipped Topping Corn on the Cob Lucerne.

Thick, rich 16-02. ctn. Bel-cm. PUTO Florida 6-oz. car Party Pride Cm.

Bat-air 32 01. Bag Fruit Drinks 25 Morton Beef Dinner Strawberries 3 Large AA Eggs 59 FRESH BAKERY FOODS! Prices effective at Safeway Stores with in-store Bakeries'(B) Strawberry Pecan Cake Coldbrook Margarine 45' Longhorn Cheese Cream O' the Crop l-dor. ctn. Safeway Half moon PER POUND Two 8-lnch Layers Reg. $2.29 Lucerne Fruit Gelatins Carrot ctn.

Eskimo Pie Stick Supreme Refreshing summertime treat for the kids Pkg. of 6 69 Liquor Selection! Prices effective at Safeway Stores with in-store Liquor Departments. (L) BEAT THE TAX STOCK UP NOW: Kavlana Vodka 80-Proof. For cooling summertime beverages. Why pay more? Yz-gal.

$759 Reg. 29 each Boysenberry Eclairs Sheepherder Bread Brownies Butter Poundcake 69 Reg. 63' 24.01. loaf 49 Scotch Whisky Winners Cup Gin Old Calhoun's Seagram's VO Scoresby Scotch 0 5 49 3 79 $499 7 7 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Macaroni Cheese Spinach Souffle 12-or. pVy.

Stouffcrs. 12-or. pt-g. 57' Potatoes Au Gratin 57' Glamorene Slouffcrt 11 pkg. Spray 'n Voc Rt-g Cleaner 1191 WEIGHT WATCHERS LUNCHEON Beef 1 1 oz.

or PoFmnjiona, 9Vj oz. 19 WEIGHT WATCHERS SWEETENER Pkg. of 100 79' SALAD SUPREME Cheese Schilling 67' EVERYDAY LOW PRICE EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Max Pax Coffee Graham Tarts 24.oj. size Johnilon Pig. of 6 2 21 Pillsbury Flour Pilsbury Rour Unbleached 5-lb.

bag Enriched 5-tb. bog GILLETTE TRAC RAZOR each WELLA BALSAM Regular or Extra Body 8-oz. size $138 1 weila, "SAFEWAY COUPON OFF Toward the purchase of one pkg. of Twe l-oz. BLUE BONNET SOFT MAK6ARINE Good through Saturday, Jwe 29,1974 LIMIT ONE -SAFEWAY COUPON- I I I I COUPON 5OFF COUPON- Tewanl Hw el Mt 26-ci.

pkg. CELESTE DELUXE PIZZA Ccod throujh June 29, 1S74 LIMIT ONE OFF Tomrf to purchm one pkg. ol Two l-n. Ttfe FIEISCHMANN'S SOFT MUURINE through SMunUy, Jww UNIT ONE I --SAFEWAY COUPON -U I 5'OFF Toward the purchase of ont 15Va- BZ. can VETS DOC FOOD (R.

Good Ihrough Saturday, June 29, J974 LIMIT ONE OFF -SAFEWAY COUPON- Toward DM pwcfau of OM 50 SWEET I LOW SUCAR SUBSTITUTE Good Saturday. UNIT ONE Toward the purchase of one S-ei. of one 12-01. MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE Good through diy, June 29,1974 LIMIT ONE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26,1974 TUCSON A I CITIZEN 1USDA CHOICE PAGE 17 SAFEWAY i Beef Cube Steak USDA Choice. Always tender.

(Braise or panfry) Ib. Cross-Rib Roast BONELESS CHUCK. USDA Choice Grade Beef (Braise) Fresh Fryers WHOLE. USDA Inspected for Wholesomeness Baby Halibut Greenland Turbot Rainbow Trout Cod Fillet Round Tip Roast Allanlic. For menu variely Seafood fillet Ib Pan-iizc.

High in protein 88' Beef Rump Roast 89 Boneless Steak 9 Pork Roast 9 Pork Loin Chops BONELESS. 39 USDA Choice Ib. Shoulder Cut. USDA Choice Beef Ib. Boston Blade Ib.

1 S119 Fryer Breasts Grade A Turkeys Swift Turkeys (Rib Or) or Thighs Manor Home Ib. USDA Choice Beef Ib $139 I 39 Canned Hams Safeway or Dubuque 5-fb. can $109 Assorted Ib. I 5" Chicken Livers Save on i 69 49 59 89' BEAT THE TAX! ARIZONA STATE TAX INCREASE ON LIQUOR GOES INTO EFFECT JULY 1,1974. We have a complete selection of your favorite brands.

Save even more on our private labels. OFF ON ALL FULL CASES -STRAIGHT OR MIXED (Except Winners Cup label) BUY NOW AND SAVE! PLEASE TURN IN YOUR PENNIES! Pennies are scarce. This makes it difficult for the stores where you shop to make change on your purchases. Safeway strongly support the Treasury Department's current campaign, designating June as RETURN-THE- PENNY MONTH. Please put surplus pennies back in circulation.

Please pay with exact change whenever possible. Town House Retried Beans with grated longhorn for taste treat I 5-oz. can 29 Kitchen Craft Enriched Flour For everything you bake 5-lb. bag 87 Hamburger or Hoi Dog SAFEWAY BAKED Skylark Buns Angel Food Bar Cinnamon Rolls Coffee Cake English Muffins MM. Wright 1 I 3-or.

silc 8 count Mrs. WrigM's I 6-oz. loaf 3 Pkg 4 of 8 65 Mrs. Wright's 1 2 oz. pkg.

Mrs. Wright's Super Soft Bread White or Wheat. So great for sandwiches 24-oz. loaf 39 Party Pride Tortilla Chips Great with retried beans for dip and chip Sea Trader Chunk Tuna For delicious salads or sandwiches can 49 In Keepers Libbey. Handy attractive jars in sizes up to 6W, with cork stoppers Tivoli Glasses Laser Blue Anchor Hocking or 16-oz.

Crystal Ashtray Libbey. Buy one for every room at this price 3 size Apothecary Jar Anchor Hocking. So many uses for these attractive jars 24-oz. size each 499 Russet Potatoes GOLDEN BANANAS Delicious sliced over cereal for breakfast Ib. Lemons Plums Fresh Salads Bulk Prunes Delicious snack Ib.

Strawberry Jam Cour mncJ 39' Grape Juice Drink 3Zw kh 69' MF pf g20' Sunflower Seeds 5 ghcl pi mp, moiit ib. 59' Broccoli sowhcodi 29' Sanla Rosa Winesap MUMS GLOXINIAS Florijt Ouolily 6.In. Pot each SO69 2 49 HOUSEPLANTS HOUSEPLANTS HOUSEPLANTS Pot 4-Inch Pol Inch Pol 1429 1 1 9 Washington Stale. Good for all purposes Nestles Crunch Nestles Crunch King Bar 6 size Candy bari Pkg. fit 6 SAFEWAY COUPON EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Nestles Crunch 09 Nestles Crunch 14 DENTA FRESH si 46 4-oz.

plcg. PLAYTEX TAMPONS Deodorant 4 9 Pkg. of 30 1 LIVING GLOVES Playlex pair 1 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Nestles Morsels o'r Nestles Morsels 4V EVERYDAY LOW PRICE 41' Nestles Morsels 41 Stayfree i i 1 2 oi pig. Mini-Podl fkg. of 30 79 --SAFEWAY COUPON 'SAFEWAY COUPON OFF Toward the purchase one 3-lb.

can of CfilSCO SHORTENING Good through Saturday, June 29, 1974 LIMIT ONE 5OFF Toward the purchase of one Pkg. of 60 CHOCKS BUGS BUNNY VITAMINS (Plain or With Iron) Good through Saturday, June 29, 1974 LIKiT ONE "SAFEWAY COUPON -SAFEWAY COUPON I I I I 1 Toward the purchase of one Pkg. of 24 SINE-AID SINUS HEADACHE TABLETS Good through Saturday, June 29,1974 LIMIT ONE CONTAC CAPSULES I 89 of 20 'SAFEWAY COUPON OFF Li. Toward th purchase of one 4.2-oz. WERNET DENTU CREME Good through Saturday, June 29, 1974 LIMIT ONE I I 5'OFF I Toward the purchase of one 8-oz.

I pkg. PEPTO-BISMOL LIQUID Good through Saturday, June 29, 1974 I LIMIT ONE OFF Toward the purchase of one Pkg. of 65 or one pkg. of 130 JOHNSON RED CROSS COTTON BALLS Good through Saturday, June 29, 1974 LIMIT ONE FDS SPRAY Feminine Hygiene Sheinwold On Hridge By ALFRED SHEINWOLD When the national tournament opens in New York on July 12, every expert at the tournament should be able tell you that brown horses eat more lhan white horses. reason is that there are more brown than white horses.

I've put the horse before the cards but will not show the connection. South dealer Neither side vulnerable NORTH 4 8 0 A 7 2 A 1 0 2 EAST WEST 4 A 109 106 0 9 7 6 4 2 98 South Pass 3 4 4 4 9 8 4 3 0 1 0 8 3 4 A 7 5 4 SOUTH 4 7 6 5 4 3 K5 0 5 4 6 3 West North East Pass 2 NT Pass Pass 4 0 Pass All Pass Opening lead 9 When this hand came along in a national tournament a few years ago, West led the nine of clubs against four spades. Declarer put up the king of clubs from dummy, hoping to panic East into taking the ace at once. If East took the ace of clubs and returned the suit, nothing would come of it. Declarer would win and lead trumps.

He would lose only the two black aces. East thought about playing the ace of clubs but decided against it. Instead, he signaled encouragement by playing the seven of clubs. Declarer played trumps at once, but West got his ruff. He took the ace of trumps and led his other club.

East took the ace of clubs and. returned a club for West to ruff, thus holding South to 10 tricks. In a rubber bridge game this trick would be quite unimportant, but in a tournament the extra trick often makes a considerable difference. If the contract had been five spades instead of only four, the trick would have meant going down instead of making the contract. Perhaps you noticed that both declarer and East assumed that West's opening lead was the top of a doubleton rather than a singleton.

South and East both went on the principle 'that there are more doubletons than singletons. Extreme suit breaks are less common than fairly even suit breaks. When in doubt, play for the usual rather than for the unusual situation. DAILY QUESTION Partner opens with 2 and the next player You hold: S- A 10 9 H- 10 6 D- 9 7 6 4 2 C- 9 8. What do you say? ANSWER: Bid 3 NT.

Don't bother to show the diamonds since there is no reason to think that you will be better off. in game or slam in diamonds than at 3 NT. Partner has 22 to 24 points, so the combined count is at most 29 points. Aussie houses split CANBERRA, Australia (AP) Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, who called a general election on May 18 when a hostile Senate blocked his legislative program, again faces a split Parliament. Whitlam's Labor party claimed to have won control of both houses of Parliament in the election.

But the final results, released today after a five-week deiay due to a complicated counting formula for the Senate, gave the Laborites and the Liberal-County party opposition 29 seats each with two Liberal-leaning independents holding the balance of power. Labor controls the House of Representatives with a majority of five, having won 66 seats to the opposition's 61. In the previous House, it had a majority of nine, while it had, been in the minority in the Senate with only 20 seats. Whitlam has called a special joint session on July 9 to take up the bills the previous Senate blocked. They include a health program, changes in the electoral laws to decrease the margin of voters between, rural and city districts, and a- petroleum and minerals au-'.

Tucson Daily Citizen from Tucson, Arizona (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.