Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

A 2 1 HARTFORD CITY MAN DIES AFTER ILLNESS Hartford City, July. 5-Charles 'Mills, 68, Hartford. City died at 12:35 p. m. today Blackford County Hospital illness: of hart ailment.

al Mr. Hubbard formerly was affiliated with the insurance and real "period of years in the U. S. estate business there and for a Forest Service in. western states.

He was actively engaged in Boy here for several years. Survivors, Staff include Sgt. the Charles widow; Hubbard, 8 prisoner of the Japanese LUNA TODAY! JOHNNY DOWNS 'Campus Rhythm' Plus 4 The Undying Monster' PARAMOUNT A ARION SOnA REFRIGERATED THE A Ends Thurs. 2 Deluxe Hits OF FUN COLUMBIA PICTURE JANE WITHERS MY BEST GAL BRaT in the Philippine Islands for more than two years, James D. Hubbard, Hartford City and Ruth Ann Kabbard; Funeral plans were -incomplete late today.

INSTALLATION BY EXCHANGE CLUB ATHLETE'S FOOT Zemo (a Doctor's formula) promptly relleves itchy soreness and on contact kills germs that most commonly cause and spread Athlete's Foot. 35 years' success! All drugstores. ZEMO Installation officers for the coming year will highlight the a weekly meeting of the Marion Exchange Club at 6:30 p. m. today at Hotel Spencer.

Prior to the installation, dinner will be served. Instated president. will be Harry Patterson, Other officers are Chester Stone, first vice-president; Robert Harmon, second vicepraident; Stephen Johnson, third secretary; John Dean, treasurer. David Backmeyer, Retiring president Davidson will be in charge of the installation rites. FINE IMPOSED Fine of $1 and costs sessed Albert Higgins, "colored, 1523 West Ninth street, who sault and battery in city court pleaded guilty, to a charge of Asyesterday.

He was arrested at 1:45 a. m. Wednesday on an affidavit filed by Alice Fouce. PROMPTLY RELIEVES TORTURE OF LYRIC TODAY IN TECHNICOLOR "RIDIN' HIGH" Dorothy Lamour Dick Powell of A Lifetime" THURSDAY, JULY 6th IS FREE MOVIE DAY! AT YOUR FAVORITE MARION THEATRE! It is the Motion Picture industry's way of saying Thanks, Mr. and Mrs.

"Movie-Goer for Fighting. By His Side During the Fifth' War Loan." On Thursday every Motion Picture Theatre here will be ready and proud to play host to you, the Movie Going Public. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BUY A BOND On Thursday, July 6th of any denomination at any issuing agent and show the Bond to the Ticket Girl and she will admit you. OF CHARGE! right By this Side INVEST IN INVASION WAR LOAN LABOR DAY GROUP -TO MEET Additional committees to "plant for the annual Labor Day -celes bration will be named at ing the Marion Central Lator last night. Union at 7:30 p.

m. today at the Temple officials. no announced James Evans, general chairman, will be in charge of the meeting at which plans will be outlined for the customary Labor Day celebration Sept. 4. The special observance will be sponsored by individual members of the 30 local unions, de affiliated with the Central Trades Union Here, officials said.

CONTRACTS ARE LET FOR MOTOR SUPPLIES Motor supplies for the Grant county Highway department were obtained by the county commissioners in contracts which were let to several local companies. The board accepted the bid of the. Standard Oil Co. on oils and greases for the third quarter and the bid of the Shell Oil on gasoline for the. same period.

Bids of Goodyear Tire Co. and Superior Tire Co. on tires also were accepted. Superintendent Clair Hurlock of the Grant County Infirmary was instructed to purchase supplies on the open market since grocers failed to submit bids on groceries for the third quarter. MRS.

ANNA BUSH DIES AT HARTFORD CITY Hartford City, July 5, Mra. Anna Bush, 80, widow of Owen F. Bush, died today at 545 West Commercial street, after an tended illness. Survivors include a daughter, Miss Helen Bush, at home; a son, Edwin Bush, local business man; 8 sister, Mrs. Mary Barbee, Dayton, 0., and two.

brothers, William Gregg, Columbus, and Michael Gregg, Circleville, 0. Funeral services will. be conducted at 2:30 p. Friday at United Brethren Church with Rev. H.

M. Cobb officiating. Burial will be in 100F cemetery. PAPER COLLECTION SET Hartford City, July city-wide collection of waste paper will be made in Hartford City Saturday, officials announced today. Boy Scouts again will collect the paper.

TOOK IN WASHED WASHING OUT. SHE AND WASHINGTONI SHE'S THE SOAP IN YOUR EYESTANDING ROOM THURSDAY THIS PROGRAM FREE! Their IT WAS WAS DARING WAS was all these things 1 IDA LUPINO. Starring In first picture since winning the New York Critics Award for 'Year's Best Actress' PAUL HENREID The now romentic idol -the gallant lover of 'Now Voyager' and AND a LOyE GREAT GENUINE STORY In WARNER BROS: lime NANCY COLEMAN MARY BOLAND- VICTOR FRANCEN NAZIMOVA Directed by SHERMAN -EXTRA- We -Are an -Official "Halfway to Heaven" INDIANA Issuing Agent Late News Immediate Delivery. 1 EQUIPMENT ADDED TO -PLAYGROUND HERE With the additions of. new equipment at Franklin playground, Willard Chambers, city director last night urged both children and.

grown ups in a the Franklin to make use of the games and amusem*nts now being installed. there. Chambers' said Miss Miriam Dungan, playground director, would teach a class in handicrafts, and the following recreational facilities would be available: badminton, table tennis, croquet, horseshoe pitching, volleyball, softball and other organized games. Chambers also said today would be "Amateur Day" at Twentyeighth street park. Miss Georgia Connelley is supervisor.

Absolute zero is approximately minus 460. degrees Fahrenheit. SUPERIOR COURT Thomas Clemons -vs. Normand dean Clemons. Divorce.

Answer cross complaint defendant filed. Application by defendant for order. for suit and support money. filed, submitted and tiff ordered pay clerk per week for support, and $30 by Auge 5, for use -of defendant's attorney and court costs. Bessie M.

Gallion VE. Leo 0 Gallion. Divorce. Application fort suit and support and modification of restraining order and custody! to pay clerk $12 per weck submitted and defendant ordered! port, and $30 by Aug. 15 for use: of plaintiff's attorney and.

court: costs by day of trial. Restraining, order is modified to permit defendant to see the child at home of plaintiff. Mary Louise King vs. Harold William King. Divorce.

Answer Court. defendant filed. Cross, complaint by defendant fled and McMahon Ditch. Drainage Petition in duplicate for drainage filed and July 24 is set as date for docketing the petition.3 Cost bond with Barnett Taylor et al as surety filed and approved. Give Your Feet An Ice-Mint Treat Get Happy, Cooling Relief For Burning Callouses- Put Spring in Your Step Don't Don't moan about about callouses.

tired, Get burning busy feet rive them an Ice-Mint treat, Feel the comforting, soothing coolness of Ice-Mint drive ing out tery burning aching tiredness. Rub Ice- Mint over those ugly hard old corns and callouses, as directed. See how white, cream-like Ice-Mint helps soften them Mint up. Get Your foot druggist happy has today Ice the Mint loo 14 194 BY NEA DERVICE, T. M.

REQ U. PAT. OFF. "Something about that huddle reminds me of the old days when one of our men came in off the road with a brandnew story!" By VIRGINIA MacPHERSON July 5, (UP) -Today Jimmy Durante, the only actor in the world with a nose big enough to copyright, was plinking away beat up piano. Near by, on a priceless baby grand, was Jose Iturbi.

Also plinking away. They were, they explained, a-feudin', "Dis here Ey-torbi tinks he's de only guy what can play de pianer," rasped the Schnozzle. "Just because -he's -got a- tony- accent ain't no sign he's better'n me." The famous concert pianistconductor- -composer raised a lofty "Thees Durante fellow, he's preety good," he conceded "On the long hair stoff maybe he's even better than me. But on theese boogie-woogie-never! I can beat eet, "It's out moch humiliatin'," hotter!" 'grated Durante. "I'll stick here all night if I have to, but I'll beat dis guy.

He'll run outa songs pretty, soon, but I got a million of I got a million!" -Durante and are carryingon their musical feud between scenes of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's "Music For -Millions." The feminine stars tiny Margaret O'Brien, who's secretly rooting for her pal Jimmy, blond June Allyson, who has her, bets on the maestro. Iturbi is a symphony director who loses his musicians one by one to the draft. Durante, As his manager and trouble shooter, hires women to fill the gaps. So at every rehearsal Iturbi's bothered by silken legs instead of hairy ones in long. Director Henry Koster, has his troubles keeping his two leading men away from their pianos.

Durante's upright and Iturbi's baby grand. While the stage is being lighted they sneak away for a few hot licks. Iturbi straightens his tie, smoothes down his hair, and flicks his coattails out of the 'way as he Durante takes off his. battered hat, brushes what wisps of hair he has left, hikes up his pants, and plops down. Then they start in.

Iturbi grandly ignores Durante and gives out with some solid eight-to the bar stuff. Music his Carnegie Hall audiences could never hope to hear. The "Schnozzle" turns his back on Iturbi, clamps a cigar in his mouth, and bangs away. They both make SO much noise they can't hear each other. Or poor Director Koster begging them to stop.

"just for a minute to finish the picture, boys." 'Shall we oblige, Mr. Hose?" asks Durante, finally. "Hokay," grins Iturbi, "but I'm still hotter than you. Yore jost an "Does dat guy ever give me trouble," snorted Durante, who sounds like an energetic freight engine puffing uphill. "And dat's not all.

Dis little O'Brien dame. She's terrific! When she opens 8 Hollywood Hollywood Spotlight getcha!" STOMACH fo Bism for that' is good War work and hasty lunch-box meals sometimes result in upset digestive systems. PEPTO-BISMOL helps to relieve stomach distreas and discomfort and to retard simple diarrhea. Tastes good and doos good. When your stomach is upset -aak your druggist for PEPTO-BISMOL.

A NORWICH PRODUCT door somebody walks into a room. "An' Lord help us if we don't know our lines. She's got 'em all memorized an' she. jist looks at us if we forget, 'em. I'm skeered to deat' of Durante says he's considering working Jose Iturbi into his "umbriago" act, where the maestro would be his assistant and straight man.

The act ends up with Durante slinging a lamp at him. Iturbi thinks he might be willing if Durante will let him use his own specially equipment. made He grand says he pianos. has 32 "If I can use those I theenk I would wind up being the main boy and Jeemy would be the man throw theengs at," he chortled. "Okay, okay, 80 ya got 32 pianers," growled Durante.

"Me, got 32 lamps! See where dat'll DO YOU NEED MONEY? Get any amount up. to $300 from Local Finance on just your own signature and security. Loans to men and women. Repay monthly. Prompt service.

Come in or LOCAL FINANCE CORPORATION 111 W. 4th Just E. oh Luna Thr. Phone 140 back He's going the to finish ABOUT job-HOW YOU? ITS NOW OR NEVER, AMERICA! you must do more than ever before! TTS'S bloody COMB battle back of from Tarawa. the in asked War you Loan to do Drives something -and extra four He's faced death every moment times you have responded mag.

of the way. Will he say, "I've nificently. But now the quota is done my part. I'm Of bigger- -because the fighting job course not! For he is an Ameri- is bigger! You must do more can fighting man. He'll go back than ever before in the STH WAR again and again-antil the job is LOAN DRIVE.

Double your asual 4 finished, extra. War Bond purchases. WAR LOAN Your job isa't yet, Triple them, if you can! Send either. Four times America has your dollars out to fimish she job! Back the BUY MORE THAN BEFORE Marion Ice Cold Storage Co.CORNER 15TH McCLURE This la an ondal U. S.

Treasury of Treasury Department and War A FINAL RITES SET TODAY FOR MARY STEGEMOLLER Amboy, July rites for Mrs. Mary Louise Stegemoller, who died Monday at Dukes Memorial Hospital, Peru, will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at a funeral home here. Burial will be in Park cemetery, Fairmount.

Survivors include the husband, Edgar; two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Eddy, Indianapolis, and Mrs. Emerson Thorne, Marion; a son, Robert, serving with the U. S. Navy in the Pacific, and a granddaughter.

LAST RITES SCHEDULED HERE FOR FRANK J. LATENDRESSE Final rites for Frank J. Latendresse, 55, who died Monday in Indianapolis, will be held at 10 a. m. today at St.

Paul's Catholic Church. Burial will be in Grant Memorial Park cemetery. The will remain at Indianapolis until 8 a. m. today when i it will be returned here.

REPORTS FOR INDUCTION Following his physical examination several weeks ago, Frank Ed-. ward Pate, colored, left Wednesday for Indianapolis where he will report for service. Pate is the first inductee supplied under newt regulations whereby the inductee learns the branch of service in which he will be placed when he reports for induction.Two-thirds of all the pepper; mint and spearmint oil produced in the United States comes from Indiana Have a How are things goin'? being friendly in Newfoundland the cheery invitation Have a "co*ke" -an old U. S. custom that is reaching NEG There's an American way to make new-found friends in Newfoundland.

It's Coca-Cola 'round the world. It says Let's be friends-reminds Yanks of home. Because Cola Coca-Cola stands for the pause that' refreshes, -has become symbol of our RACE MARE RESISTER friendly home- ways. So Coca- Cola belongs in your home, too ice-cold 4tH Coca-Cola and ready in the refrigerator. Get a supply today.

It's natural for popular narcs -BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF- THE COCA- -COLA COMPANY. IT dons. That's why you hear. to acquire friendly Coca-Cola called COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY, INC. 1621 Bouth Washington St.

Marion, Indiana 0 1944 The.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.