The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

1 THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. -MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 28, 1944 PAGE NINE To Attend Confab CHINESE ambassador to the court of James, Dr. Wellington Koo, is pictured upon his arrival at LaGuardia Airport in New York City; He is on his way to Washington to attend the important International conference at Dumbarton Oaks on world problems. (International) Today's Markets Quotations Furnished by Abbott, Proctor Paine M. C.

A. Bide -Phone 284 (Quotations at 1 P. ML) Amer. Car Foundry 40 1-2 Amer. Locomotive 10 3-4 American Smelting 39 Amer.

Steel Foundries 25 1-8 Amer. Tel. Tel. 168 Amer. Tobacco B.

12 1-2 Anaconda 26 7-8 Atchison 66 1-4 Atlantic. Refining 30 Aviation Corp. 3-4 Benedix Boeing Bethlehem Steel 1-4 C. 0. 48 Chrysler 92 7-8 Coca Cola: 137 1-2 Commercial Credit 41 5-8 Cons.

Aircraft 13: Consolidated Edison 24 3-8 Continental Can. 40 Consolidated Oil 14 1. Curtiss Wright 5 3-8 Electric Auto-Lite Fairbank-Morae 3-1 General Electric 38 General Motors 61 1-2 Goodrich 51 5-8 Goodyear 48 7-8 Harvester 79 5-8 Nickel 30 Int'l Paper 19 3-4 Kennecott 32 3-8 Loews Lorillard 63 5-s 19 7-8 Mathieson Alkall 21 1-4 Montgomery Ward 49 7-8 Nash Kelvinator 16 New York Central 18 North Amer. Aviation 82 Paramount 27 Pennsylvania 29 Pure Oil 15 7-8 Radio 10 3-4 Republic Steel 19 1-4 Tob. B.

34 Sears 05 3-4 Socony- Vacuum 13 1-4 Southern R. 23 1-2 Southern R. R. PFD. 55 14 Southern Pacinc 28 Sperry 27 5-8 Standard Oil N.

J. 54. Union United Aircraft 79 1-2 28 1-4 United Gas Imp. 1 1-2 U. S.

Rubber 50 1-2 U. 8. Steel 68 3-8 Western Union 46 7-8 Woolworth 42 1-8 South France Infantry Divisions, which had been reinforced hy scattered elements of three other enemy infantry lone, The loss of this force, which was announced simultaneously with the loss of the Germans 242nd and 244th Divisions at Marseille and Toulon, means at least 80,000 SPORTS ROUNDUP By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. NEW YORK, Aug. 28 -4P- Charlie Jones, manager of Sammy' Angott, and Mike Hogan have leased the famous Bashford Manor (wotta name for fight manager's joint) farm outside Louisville and plan to raise race horses In a big way.

They already bave two dozen brood mares and plan to buy a stallion. Too bad Charlie can't raise few lighters, too. Carlos Escalona, president of the Mexican lawn tennis association, made a special trip here to ace Armando and Rolando Vega play in the natonal championships this week. As 1 result of the Vince DiMaggio BIll Banswanger argument, the Pirates allow their players to sign meal checks up to $8 on days when the Buca play night games on the road. The $450 Immit still stands when games are by daylight.

A Unsolicited Comment Ted Carpenter, Marquette publicist, writes: "No 'axe will fall on. Marquette University football: players coming season." How come? Did Tom Stidham line up a nice easy schedule? Monday Matinee When Enrique Bolanos, stable. mate of NBA. Lightweight Champion Juan Zurita, tackles Bantam: weight Boss Manuel Ortiz at Los Angeles tomorrow, It will be like schoolboy's dream -the pupil taking a whack at the teacher Bolanos used to be Ortiz' sparmate year or so ago, and Manuel gave him lot of pointers, The Grorgia foothall squad, which Incidentally Includes four bays from Gateaville, probably hast the scason's best -named halfback Claud Hipps. And the Atlanta scribes tab the Bulldogs' star, Al Perl, as "a perl of great price." Yale's press department will provide "errand boys" to cater to wants of the football scribes this fall.

But that won't remedy the great oversight that was made when the Yale Bowl was built. The Giants' Bill Volselle Fredita lot of his pitching surceas to his being hookmaker, But Judge Lands docan't worry because BIll's book concerns -only his own per. formances and the opposing batters' weaknesses. Service Dept. Two.

ex-footballers who dropped in to call on Coach Penhead Walker of Wake Forest recently "could have' made him a lot happier just by sticking around while. They Lieut. Pat Preston, All America tackle for Duke (V-12) last fall, and Ens. Polanski, swell sophom*ore fullback a few years ago who more recently carried the ball at. Tarawa Lieut.

Garber, former on -wall handball champ, was killed on a bombing mission over. Europe recently Since they've acquired another major league battery In Lum Harris (Athictics) and Rollie Hemsley (Yankecs). the Sampson Naval Training Center are hoping to book a series for charity." man front line soldiers have been eliminated. If the Germans have enough speed left to outstep Patch's for. ward columns and they can find a way to keep the Allied air force from slashing their communications too severely, their one chance of withdrawal appcars to lie beyond Lyon through the flat country north of.

Geneva via Besancon and Mulhouse. would bring them out at the German horder. Var River Reached But threatening even this route was the Allied force, which made a spectacular 140 mile drive to noble In the first few days of the Invasion, and whose present whereabouts remains a secret, as far Allied headquarters in concerned. On the castern flank of the bridgehead Allied forces have reached the Var River and. have spread along its banks.

The Var's mouth is only four miles from the great Riviera playground resort of Nice: HERE IS TCOMFORTINE THAT AIR of tranquility and peace in modern funeral service that is ADDED' thoughtfully" planned Land, properly directed." TOUCH UR CONSTANT. ENDEAVOR to bring perfection to funerals a adds a touch of fineness to our service that is long remembered by. 1 family and friends. AT SE SERVED Hill -Irving FUNERAL HOME A TO THE UNING LEE FIRST ST. PHONE 2 MARKET OBITUARIES ZACK R.

BOISER Zach. R. Bolser died at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at- the Martha Hospital, where he had been under treatment for the past ten wetks. Mr. Bolser was a native.

of Augusta County, son of the late Benjamin F. And Mary' F. Anderson. Relner, and wAs 75 years of Age. On.

May 25, 1901. he married Arinio F. Cauthorn of King and Queen County. He lis survived by four children, Mrs. M.

W. Lacy of Daltimore. Mrs. J. R.

Blow at Portsmouth, and Howard La and Robert La Bolser of this city. There are five grandchildren and one great- grandchild. Mr. Bolser -also leaves two sisters, Mrs. WV.

18. Lacy, of this city and Mrs. W. R. Ford of Buckeye.

The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the M. C. IN Funeral Honie, the service to be conducted by the Rev. J. Halbert Brown, pastor Christian Church.

Interment will follow In Riverview Cemetery. MIRA. RICHARD N. GOODWIN Mrs. Eliza Ruth Goodwin, wile of Richard Norwood Goodwin, died gaturday night at her home near Troy, Fluvanna County, following brief Miness.

She was a native of Fluvanna County, daughter of. Mra. Adela Haden Farrar and the late George M. Farrar, and was 63 years of age. Besides her husband, she is survived by.

seven children, four: sons and three daughters -Richard N. Goodwin, seaman, second class, U. 8. Navy, now stationed at Nor. folk; Edward George, Harry Stuart and Warren Goodwin, and Minnes Ridith Annette, Shirley Lee and Betty Jane Goodwin, all of Troy.

Goodwin also leaves one brother W. W. Farrar, of Yorktown, and three sinters, Mrs. W. Pace of Wildwood and Misses Edith and Pauline Farrar of Palmyra.

The funeral will be held at 4:30 o'clock this afterneon from Salem Methodist Church, In Fluvanna, the service to be conducted by the Rev. F. B. Deane: Interment will follow in the churchyard. BURIED AT CROZET The funeral of Mrs.

Gladys M. Marshall, wife of Charles T. Marshall, was held at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the Proddy Funeral Home, the service being conducted by the Rev. Joseph 8. Crowder, pastor of the Methodist Church at Batesville.

Interment followed in Rock Gate Cemetery at Crozet, with the following serving as active pallbear. era: Ernest Tomlin, Joseph Dudley, c. A. and Herman Wade, Linwood Gibson and C. M.

Pugh. GEORGE M. TYLER Burial rites for. George Meredith Tyler, retired farmer, who died in Tarrytown, last Thursday, were held at o'clock yesterday afternoon in the family burying ground near Carter's Bridge, conducted by the B. Meredith of the Episcopal Active pallbearers were R.

P. Kelly, John Cornett, W. C. May, E. IT.

Moore, Conrad Scheuer, and Owen Mr. Tyler was a con of the late John and Caroline Tyler of Greene County, and was 80 years of age. For the. past 17 months he had re QUEASY STOMACH for that' I- When your stomach de is good queary, easy and upset, be with it. Take soothing TO It helps to calm and quiet stomach Non-laxative.

Pleasant to the taste. Next time your stomach is upset, take soothing PEPTO-BISMOL. A NORWICH PRODUCT PERSONAL LOANS Up To $300. To Buy Coal it Repair your car Pay Doctor Bills, Dentist Bills and Hospital Bills or for any other emergency. No Endorsers or Comakers required Prudential Small Loan Service, Inc.

501 National Bask Bldg. Telephone 540-541, i with his son-In-law and daughter, Mra: John. A. Cornett. In Tarrylown: He married Mire Alice M.

Moon of this -county, who vives, with one son, Owen Tyler. of this city, and another daughter, Mrs. 8. P'. Kelley, of SpringBold.

ile also leaves a foster son, Conrad Scheuer, of Philadelphia. There are six grandchildren. RITES FOR AIRS. E. WILDER Funeral services for Mra.

Annie Tryon Wilder were held Saturday afternoon at: o'clock from the Charlottesville Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. John Hugh Grey, Jr. Interment followed in Riverview cemetery, with the following ing pallbearers: W. Tilton Robertson, Douglas, Guy Via, Seth Burnley, Ray lum and Landon Martin. Honorary Included Dr.

If. 8. Hedges, Dr. M. Daniel, Dr, F.

D. Daniel, J. Albert Cheape, W. F. Long, and T.

J. Norther. Classified Advertising: "The Market Place" tasertion. Minimum 250 per cabal price of tire CASH WITH ORDER TO insertion. AVOID Six consecutive Insertions of same pre tor BOOKKEEPING.

this paper Immediately it ad tacorrectly Inserted. Not responsible for errors after Asst la- Announcements on auto Insurance PREFERRED RISKS Risk," Ins. 203 6th St N. Mutual 25. Life Assurance assist 8o- De at Equitable 8., N.

Y. will any Insurance Program and teguarding without your. Estate. obligation. 11.

Guy F. Via of our dear father memory Mr. Isaiah Kimbo de him faring on dear away August 28, 1940. Dink of love of There, as the love the d. Here of him still as the same, Dint de 1 my not dead.

He la just away. wife children. Bus. Service TAYLOR'S PLUMBING, Taylor Phon And wash $1.75. Oil PEASE $1.50.

Polishing and wax. daage 8: Atlantic Station, W. Market St. Class painter, if you or want FIRST home or any outside palating done write St. Mr.

E. H. side 900 Harris Lap your appliance in top pair Refrigeration letting us "Ax 'em Phone up" art. here! By on 114 Main St. ME having them recapped.

They'll Your tires added protection good let us recap them today. Tire for many more months If we 855 W. Main St. Phone LADIES Fur coats remodeled, ined. All kinds tailoring.

E. W. Main. For Rent ANGER Sewing machines, trie or treadle type by month or hour. Singer Sewing Machine da Phone 558.

THO Or 3 rooms, heat, lights, ter bath. Phone 1014. LARGE Furnished room, heat, water. Business couple preferred. Box City.

FURNISHED House, 108. wood Ivy Terrace, rooms, baths, sleeping porch, mids room and bath, stoker heat, ps hot water heater, garage. Mrs. Raleigh C. Minor, Telephone 1793.

EVEN Room apartment, 17th Gordon Ave. Phone 449. OPT. 1st. Large bedroom on first four, to business, or professional woman.

Near University and bus Phone 1597-R. ATTRACTIVE Furnished heated nom. Private, bath. Private trace. Mrs.

John Nicholas. 501 Locust. FURNISHED Apartment, 1446 Ragby Road. Phone 3175-J. DUNLODGE, Ivy road, behind St.

Lane's 10-rooms, 4 baths, stable, ange. Call 2597. For Sale Mt. Kelvinator refrigerator, FrigHairs Ice cream cabinet -suitable for storage of frozen foods, 3 used dactric stoves. General Refrigenation 1509 W.

Main Street. Phone 2861. RECONDITIONED Singer New. ins machines, guaranteed, $35.00, 140.00, $50.00 and $80.00. Singer Sewing Machine Co.

511. E. Main ONE Set of ladders, 1 18-ft. single good as new, 1 Syracuse spring tooth 16-teeth harrow, 1. corn sheller, Harris, 1' No.

40 Oliver chill 1 Welburn saddle, '1 half weeney size 21 horse collar and many other items. Walter C. Hicka, Crozet, Va. LHODODENDRON Have been 0. scarce for two years.

A limited apply will arrive at Snow's Nurthe first week in September. Can 1630 and have your order hid away. trash, mops, brooms, wax. InsecPOLLER Pure, bristle man's hairPhone 1725-L. Caskle.

CHILD'S Iron crib la rood conditon. Price nine dollars. Telephone mY. TWO Wardrobe trunks. Tel.

Rural GROOMS And bath $3,500.00. Close 1 business district. Jas. E. Irvine.

Phone 202. Movie Time Table In Society" at 2:04 1:00 Bermuda Mystery" 8:00 at 1:22 1- BURIED IN AUGUSTA The funeral of John Ballard Filliott, who died Wednesday at his (home, 1311 Poplar Street 'was held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon? from the Charlottesville Presby. (terian Church, the service being conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Joha H. firey; Jr.

Interment followed in the ceme tory at Bothel Church, in Augusta with the following serve ing As active pallbearers: F. Roy Early, J. J. Buck, Aubrey R. A.

J. Coleman, R. G. Burnet and Robey Hayes. For Sale NICE Tomatoes, $2.00 per bushel.

Irish cobbler potatoes, $2.50 bushel. G. Va. W. Blake, Route 1,.

Scottsville, PIGS, $2.50. C. Milton Fray, Free Union, Va. Phone Rural 7922. DAVENPORT, Library table, bed, ice box, garbage can, mail ironing board, ladies suit and spring coat.

Phone 1963-R. 9-ROOM house, bath, water, lights, Lexington Ave. Price to sell. Lot 50x252. $4500.00.

Telephone D. Addington with B. E. Wheeler. THREE Large wood heaters, two open Franklin stoves.

Phone Rural 6015-R. SEWING Machine $25.00, 4 beds with mattresses. springs $25.00 roller top desk $35.00, dining room suite with eight chairs $89.50. Phone Rural 6029-Y. THREE Work horses.

Priced to sell. E. H. Moore, Keene, Va. MOTORCYCLE side car '39 Indian, excellent condition.

"Terms or cash. May be seen at McGreg. or Motors. WELL Located farm. 150.

acres. fertile soil. Streams. Some timber, short drive. P.

O. Box 74, Charlottesville. SEVEN Room house, centrally located. Hot water heat: $3500.00. J.

R. Wingfeld. Phone 535. PAIR 3 year old mules, J. R.

Wing. deld. 535. 8-ROOM Modern brick house 6-room modern house, hot water heat, stoker 8- room house, lights, bath, water 9-room house, lights, bath, water; 6-room brick house, large lot on bus -line $7500.00: 8- room modern brick house, 1 extra lot 46-acre farm, 7-room house, lights, running water, well located 8 miles out 45- acre farm on Route 29 2 miles out, 6-room house, lights, bath, water 5-acre farm, 5-room house, lights, 3 miles $3000.00. Telephone 226 J.

D. Addington with B. E. Wheeler, Charlottesville, Va. HORSE, Buggy, saddle harness.

Apply 840 Preston Ave. ONE Medium size, safe In good shape. Charlottesville: Motors. AUCTION SALES 10 city and county homes Sept. 5 6.

King Auction Co. HOUSE, 6. rooms, bath, garage, large lot. Shown by appointment only. Phone 1972-R.

Help. Wanted COLORED Men for cleaning, Apply. Manager, Monticello Hotel. MAIDS. Monticello Hotel.

GIRL For general housework, references required. Call 918-R. WHITE Man experienced in drive ing trailer. Position permanent, salary good. Apply by mall with personal and.

'ability reference. Box Progress. FULL And part time waitresses. F. W.

Woolworth Co. PORTER. Fitzhugh Bros. Drug COOK. man to.

Kalsomine at once. Apply 207 14th St. City. HIGH School or business school girl mother's helper, in change for room and board. Write Box Progress.

WOMAN For cleaning one day week. Phone 1646-R. RELIABLE Housekeeper. Good wages. 734 Locust Ave.

-Phone 1488-J. 9 CHRISTMAS Cards, sell 50 with name $1.00. Complete line Christmas assortments, gift wrappings, everyday cards. Big profits. Approval samples.

Empire Card (417) Elmira, N. Y. DISHWASHER. -Monticello Grill, 5th Street, N. E.

COLORED Dishwasher. Apply C. O. Cafe, 510 E. Main Street.

PORTER For full time employ. ment. McCrory's, 5 10. COMPANION For elderly lady. Good home and salary.

Give ref-erences. Write Box Progress. YOUNG Lady between age of 17 and 25, with High School diploma, and some knowledge of typ. Apply Manager, Western Union. REAL Money picking apples by the box.

Apples large. Trees small to medium size. Loaded to the breaking point. Pay 10c a bushel box. We can board and room both white and colored men in different houses at 50c day.

Make arrangements now to start picking Monday, September 4th. Call 9024-J-2 or see or write Walter H. Mehring, Meadow Farm, Garden, Va. Location 15 miles south of Charlottesville or Route 29. Stop at the greenhous' for further directions.

Position Wanted RETIRED Teacher will teach and be generally useful in home. Small salary. Elementary and advanced subjects, including ish. Box 200, Route 1, Amherst, Va. Wanted TO Buy 32 used sewing machines, by Sept.

2nd. Best cash prices. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 558. CASH For your used bicycle or frames.

Western Auto Associate Store, 517 E. Main St. TO Buy, seven-room brick house, University section. or would rent four room apartment. Phone Rural 6015-R.

COCA COLA Ice cooler, roller type Hydraulic jack. 1114 Avon St. Joe Hawkins. PIANO, Will store for use. or will buy, Phone FLOUR, Corn and feed mill property not less than 24 bbl.

capacity preferred. One with house. some acreage. Mr. C.

Shinett, 2611 Sparrows Pt. Baltimore 19, Md. TO Sublet or rent small housekeeping apartment. Tel. 1698-J: USED Car, good condition and tires, about 1937 model.

Call 2996-J after 6 P. M. TO Buy from owner small home in city. State price and location. Write Box Progress.

TO Rent Ave room unfurnished apartment. Must be in good condition. Write P. O. Box: 468, Charlottesville.

Instruction JEFFERSON School of Commerce, fully accredited: by the National Association. of Accredited Colleges. Complete secretarial training, special classes. Phone 952. COMPLETE Beauty course $100,00.

No high school diploma needed. For married or single girls, Position guaranteed. 'Write Mayfair College of Beauty Culture, Lynchburg, Va. Lost BILLFOLD Containing Important papers, gas coupons, money etc. Liberal reward.

Call 1069-J. John T. Walker, Jr. TUESDAY Pair pink shell rimmed glasses. Call Mrs.

Moore: 123. BLACK Handbag containing tion books, personal papers, Ander may keep: money. Phone 1725-L. Caskle. -Miscellaneous EXPERT Packing crating, store age, long distance moving.

ture Storage Company, 419 W. Main Street. Phone $2. Cecil B. P.

Cast. MATTRESSES Made over like new. Phone 1001. PIANO Tuning, testimonial worldfamous pianist. Earle Driscoll, Phone 2306.

TAYLOR'S Transfer. Hauling. packing, crating and shipping. 1341-J 2367; Paul F. Taylor.

FREE Apple pomace, One for cattle. Piedmont Apple Products South 1st St. HEALTH- -With all our Bond Buy. ing, with making of ammunitions, with winning of Battles- Health Is a vital factor. Begin now a personal plan for Health.

Just call 200 City Laundry, DO You have broken glass In your car? If you do be sure to replace it as it may be years before you can buy a new one. We can furnish and Install glass while you' wait. Wright's Wrecking yard, 1320 Market St. Phone 862. CORSETS, Girdles made for you, any style.

Call 1581. Mrs. Lucy Plunkett. Auctions Legals AUCTION SALES 10 city and county homes Sept. 6.

King Auction Co. Local larkets Veals (Tops) $16.00 Veals Common to Medium Lambs Sows Hogs (190-240 $14.25 Hogs (250-300 lbs.) $14.25. Hogs (125-170 1ba.) Stock Heifers (B.H.) Dairy Hellers (B.H.) Stock Steers (Lb.) Springers and Fresh Cows Cows (Fat) Cows (Common to Medium), A 1 The bedstrad on which George Washington died at Mount Vernon made by a New York cabinet maker In 1780. FURNITURE STORAGE Open Floor Space -Private Rooms Ath. Michie Co.

Inc, Storage Dept. 1 DOBBS HATS ARROW SHIRTS by Fashion Park WOOD'S 308 East Main ALL LOCAL STOCKS BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED We have information on all local companies C. F. CASSELL CO. Investments 112 Second N.

E. Charlottesville, Va. He used 3 to drive a LAUNDRY he drives a fan Yes- many a laundry man (maybe the very one who, formerly greeted YOU Teach week with cheery smile), has gone to war! But his truck sill makes the rounds- we're still maintaining laundry service. Likewise gasoline; has 1" gone i to truck (which still operates in your neighborhood) i. now runs on schedule and delivery service is streamlined: for mileage economy EFFI.

CIENCY. Unnecessary, trips are eliminatedcal calls are discontinued in: order? to serve MORE people. 6 we ARE serving more The demandi for Laundry, services are UNPRECEDENTED, 1. and nearly all who need laundry, service, are ting it. We're serving incomparably more families now than ever before" And you're getting clean washing, too that's, the all factor--good, CLEAN.

washing the vital health element. Your laundry still "doing the job," and with few, more urgently needed 4. workers 4 we. shall do even better, a Y. Serving' More People Ever Now Before Our History, Than shortage of help and Eren necessary with some reduction of truck mileage, (with able," through" scheduling.

we, deliveries, to serve: MORE: Your intelligent cooperation has made possible. HOME HOME PHONE LAUNDRY CLEANING STORAGE 130.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.