17 Types of Clownfish With Striking Colors - FishHQ (2024)

17 Types of Clownfish With Striking Colors - FishHQ (1)

After the film Finding Nemo made clownfish popular, many people became passionate about owning one as a pet. They are interesting, colorful fish and are great to add to any home aquarium. But did you know that the clownfish variety is so vast that there are more than 30 recognized species of clownfish?

Popular types of clownfish include Common Clownfish, Clarkii Clownfish, Orange Skunk Clownfish, Allard’s Clownfish, and Cinnamon Clownfish. These colorful and active fish are native to the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Great Barrier Reef.

There is an extensive clownfish variety, each with its own unique coloration and pattern. In this article, I’ll explore 17 types of clownfish. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Common Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)

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The common clownfish, also known as the false percula or anemonefish, is one of the most iconic and recognizable members of the clownfish species. Their popularity increased after the release of Finding Nemo, making them fan favorites in home aquariums.

These fish are easily identified by their bright orange color, with three white stripes running vertically along the body and a black outline. They can grow up to 4 inches (10 cm), females being 4 inches (10 cm) and males being slightly smaller at 3 inches (8 cm).

They are found in shallow waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, where they live symbiotically with sea anemones. Sea anemones provide shelter and protection from predators, while the clownfish keep the anemone free of debris and parasites.

Common clownfish play an important role in their local ecosystems, serving as cleaning agents and food for larger fish species. These fish are hardy and easy to care for, making them a popular choice for beginner aquarium owners.

2. Allard’s Clownfish (Amphiprion allardi)

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Allard’s clownfish, or twobar anemonefish, can be easily confused with the clarkii clownfish due to their similar coloration. They have a black body with a white band across the middle and two white bars on their head.

The fins can be either yellow or red, with a black margin encircling the edge. The tail is generally yellow or orange and can reach a maximum size of 5.5 inches (14 cm). Allard’s clownfish can be found in the shallow coastal waters of the western Indian Ocean and areas around Madagascar, South Africa, and Sri Lanka.

They are typically found near giant carpet anemones, which they use as a host and shelter from predators. These clownfish are solitary and highly territorial when mature. They will defend their territory from any intruders, including other members of their species. This is especially true when they are mating.

3. Cinnamon Clownfish (Amphiprion melanopus)

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The cinnamon clownfish has many names, including the red clownfish, melanopus clownfish, fire clownfish, and dusky clownfish. They are a rare species of clownfish that can be difficult to find in the aquarium trade.

The cinnamon is native to the Pacific Ocean, stretching from the south of Japan to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. These fish have a dark red-orange body, a wide white strip just behind the head, and a thin white strip running horizontally along their back.

Their fins are deep reddish-black and reach 4.7 inches (12 cm) in size. These fish live in shallow lagoons, sheltered coral reefs, and tidal pools. They likely live in pairs; if the male dies, the female will change into a male, as clownfish can switch their sex.

The cinnamon clownfish are semi-aggressive and are not recommended for beginner aquarists as they are prone to nipping.

4. Clarkii Clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii)

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Yellowtail clownfish or clarkii clownfish originate from the Indo-Pacific region and can be found as far west as the Red Sea and as far north as Japan. These fish are easily identified by their black body with three white bands.

The most distinctive feature is the yellow-orange fins which give these fish their name. The tail fin may be yellow or white with an orange stripe at the base. Clarkii clownfish can grow up to 5 inches (13 cm) in captivity but 6 inches (15 cm) in the wild.

They are less reliant on anemones because they are mostly found in the deep waters, and anemones need light. Cinnamon clownfish love open waters to swim and are more daring than other clownfish.

These fish are a little aggressive and can be territorial. They often live in groups, with one large male and several smaller females. A clarkii clownfish should be kept with smaller and more peaceful fish, as it will attempt to dominate larger and aggressive fish.

They are considered to be quite hardy and can live up to 14 years in captivity. But they still require proper water conditions and a large enough tank (at least 30 gallons or 114 liters).

5. Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)

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The gold stripe maroon clownfish is one of the most stunning clownfish varieties. They have maroon bodies with three yellow-gold stripes running down their body and fins, with the third stripe being thicker than the other two.

The gold-yellow stripe develops when the fish is 9-12 months old and starts to mature. Gold stripe maroon clownfish are native to the Indo-Pacific region and found in coral reefs, lagoons, and other shallow-water formations.

They can grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) in length and are found at depths of 10-30 meters (33-108 feet). Gold stripe maroon clownfish are not as hardy as other clownfish and require more attention in their aquarium setup. They must have plenty of places to hide and be provided with a varied diet (including live foods).

6. Lightning Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)

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The lightning maroon clownfish is a rare clownfish variety with a unique pattern resembling lightning bolts. They belong to the same species as the gold stripe maroon clownfish, but instead of yellow-gold stripes, they have white stripes running down their bodies.

They also have bubbles on their fins and a light orange-brown color on their body. These clownfish are native to the Western Pacific region, around Indonesia, and the Great Barrier Reef. They are usually found in shallow lagoons, coral reefs, or seagrass beds.

Lightning maroon clownfish are known to be very aggressive and territorial fish and will not tolerate other species in their territory. They can grow up to 5-6 inches (13-15 cm) in length and are moderately difficult to care for.

7. Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)

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The maroon clownfish, also cheeklined clownfish or Premnas biaculeatus, is the most recognizable clownfish variety. It gets its common name from its bright reddish-brown coloration and has three distinctive white stripes.

They have a prominent cheek spine, much larger in males than in females. Maroon clownfish are found in the Western Pacific, from Indonesia and Australia, where they inhabit coral reefs and live in anemones.

The maroon clownfish is among the largest of all clownfish and can reach lengths of up to 7 inches (18 cm). It is an aggressive species, and when living in a tank, it should NOT be kept with others of the same species.

They are known to be territorial and will attack other tank mates they consider competition, especially females, as they are more aggressive than males.

8. Orange-Finned Clownfish (Amphiprion chrysopterus)

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The orange-finned clownfish, also known as the Chrysopterus clownfish, has a unique color pattern. It has an orange-red body with two white stripes running across the head and three vertical stripes along the sides. It also has bright orange fins, which gives it a distinct look.

Orange-finned clownfish are native to the Indo-Pacific, from South Africa to Polynesia. They inhabit lagoons and coral reefs where they can find plenty of anemones to host. They are not particularly fussy when it comes to anemones, so they can be found hosting a variety of species, such as Heteractis magnifica or Heteractis crispa.

These clownfish can grow up to 6.5 inches (17 cm) in length and tend to live in small groups, with one dominant female, a mating male, and several non-breeding members. They are very aggressive and can’t be kept with other clownfish.

9. Picasso Clownfish (Amphiprion percula)

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The picasso clownfish, also known as true percula or orange clownfish, is native to New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and Australia. They are one of the smallest species of clownfish. From its color, you can easily tell it apart from other clownfish; it has a bright orange body, three vertical white stripes on its body, and a black outline around the stripes.

It has a prominent black spot between the first and second stripes and a bright orange head. The percula clownfish can reach up to 3 inches (8 cm) in length and live up to 5 years. They are peaceful and can be kept in pairs with other clownfish or peaceful tankmates.

These clownfish are not hardy and need good water quality, a stable environment, and plenty of hiding places to thrive. They are omnivores and will happily feed on both meaty and vegetable matter. They are great for beginners but require attention and care to thrive in a saltwater aquarium.

10. Orange Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion sandaracinos)

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The orange skunk clownfish is native to the Indo-Pacific from Australia, Indonesia, and Japan. It has a bright orange body with a white stripe running from the top of its head to the bottom of its tail.

The stripe is separated by a black line, giving this fish its distinctive ‘skunk’ look. It can grow to a maximum size of up to 5.5 inches (14 cm) in length and has an average life expectancy of five years. The orange skunk clownfish is generally a calm clownfish variety and can be kept in tanks with other fish as long as it has plenty of hiding places.

It is an omnivore and will feed on various foods, including small crustaceans, worms, algae, and fish flakes. Orange skunk is adaptable to a wide range of water parameters and is considered one of the hardiest clownfish species. With orange skunks, you don’t have to put an anemone in the tank.

11. Pink Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion)

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The pink skunk clownfish originates from New Guinea and Northern Australian waters. It has a body color ranging from tangerine to peach, with a white stripe and a deep black marking at the edge of its dorsal fin.

As its name suggests, it also has a distinctive skunk stripe running along its back just behind the head and a black margin around the edge of its tail. It is one of the most peaceful clownfish species and can be kept with other fish and its own kind.

They rely more on the anemones, so ensure you have a good anemone in the tank before adding them. Pink skunks are known to share their anemone with other clownfish species. They can grow to heights of up to 4 inches (10 cm) and live for around 10 years.

12. Saddleback Clownfish (Amphiprion polymnus)

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The saddleback clownfish, also known as the white-maned anemonefish, pink anemonefish, and white-banded anemonefish, is easily distinguished by saddle-like white markings on its back. It has a burnt orange to black body, white saddle-like stripes, and a yellow tail.

These fish are usually found in Australia and the Pacific Ocean. They can grow up to 5 inches (13 cm) in length and live up to 21 years with proper care. They are very peaceful but can be a bit shy around other fish. They are a great addition to any tank and are often seen playing with their anemones in the wild.

The saddle carpet anemone (Stichodactyla haddoni) is their preferred host. Like other clownfish, saddleback clownfish should be kept in a tank with plenty of hiding spots and places to explore. They are also social animals and can be kept with other peaceful clownfish species.

13. Sebae Clownfish (Amphiprion sebae)

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The sebae clownfish has a black body, two white stripes, and yellow fins. This species grows to a maximum length of 5 inches (13 cm) and is found in the northern Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. Sebae clownfish live in groups and tend to form social hierarchies with one dominant fish.

They are omnivorous, feeding on zooplankton and small crustaceans. Their diet can also include algae and sponges. Sebae clownfish are highly territorial, fiercely defending their homes against intruders.

Male sebae clownfish often change color when they are ready to mate. They form mating pairs that remain together for life. The female is typically larger than the male. Additionally, they are difficult to find in natural habitats, making them a rare sight in aquariums.

14. Three-Banded Clownfish (Amphiprion tricinctus)

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The three-banded clownfish is also known as the tricinctus clownfish. From its name, you can tell that the three-banded clownfish has three distinct white bands with a dark brown body and orange fins and face.

This species is native to Micronesia in New Caledonia and the Marshall Islands. It can reach up to 4 inches (10 cm) and prefers living amongst anemones. They are semi-aggressive in personality and need a 30-gallon (114 liters) tank with plenty of hiding places. These clownfish are very active and need supplemental feedings.

15. Tomato Clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus)

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This clownfish variety is also known as the red clownfish or white stripe anemone fish and is native to the Pacific reefs from Japan to Indonesia. Tomato clownfish are a striking species with a bright red body and a white stripe behind the head.

The fins, tail, and stripe are outlined in a vivid black, while the face has shades of orange and brown. This species can grow up to 5 inches (13 cm) in length and should be kept in a tank of at least 30 gallons (114 liters).

The tomato clownfish is also quite hardy and suitable for beginners in the fishkeeping hobby. They can be kept in aquariums, although anemones are preferred for their natural environment.

This species is omnivorous and does well on a high-quality dry and frozen diet. They are aggressive towards other clownfish, so they should not be kept with similar species.

16. Black Ice Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion Ocellaris)

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The black ice snowflake clownfish is one of the most unique clownfish in the world in terms of looks.

Its striking appearance is characterized by a combination of large white patches in place of stripes, a gold body, and black fins. The snowflake pattern creates a stark contrast against the black backdrop.

That’s why aquarium enthusiasts want a black ice clownfish so much.

The black ice clownfish lives and acts similarly to other Ocellaris clownfish. It’s hardy and easily adapts to an aquarium of any size.

It likes saltwater aquariums with good-quality water conditions. Just ensure there are some hiding spaces in your aquarium. Also, make sure to change your water regularly to keep this beautiful fish healthy if you get one.

Its diet consists of marine pellets and live prey, but you can also feed it frozen food.

The black ice snowflake clownfish is around 2.5 to 3 inches (6 to 7.5 cm) in size. It’s generally peaceful, but, like most clownfish, it can become territorial if it feels threatened by another fish.

17. Wyoming White Clownfish (Amphiprion Ocellaris)

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The Wyoming white clownfish is another variant of the Ocellaris clownfish with an extremely prominent white coloration.

In fact, it’s white throughout, with only the fins, tail, and head being orange and black. This happens due to an absence of pigmentation. Its unique look exudes grace and elegance while maintaining a classic clownfish body and shape.

Like most clownfish, it thrives in saltwater and on a varied diet of marine pellets, live prey, and frozen meals. It doesn’t tend to be aggressive, especially if your aquarium has plenty of corals and rocks to hide in.

The Wyoming white clownfish’s attention-grabbing looks are sure to dazzle even the most hardcore marine life enthusiasts. Just like the black ice snowflake, it reaches a size of around 2.5 to 3 inches (6 to 7.5 cm) in adulthood and has a lifespan of around 6 to 7 years.

Clownfish FAQs

How many varieties of clownfish are there?

Around 30 species of clownfish have been discovered and recognized by scientists within the Amphiprion genus. These clownfish species have a lot of similarities in terms of behavior, feeding, and general size, but they vary significantly in terms of colors and patterns.

An interesting fact about clownfish is that they all start off as males. They can change sex as they grow. There’s usually one dominant male and a few juvenile males, which tend to change to female as they mature.

What is the rarest clownfish?

The rarest clownfish is the platinum clownfish, which is a selectively bred variation of the common clownfish “Amphiprion percula.” Platinum goldfish are mostly white or gray with hints of orange at their extremities. They’re relatively hard to come by, so they’re rather expensive.

Platinum clownfish are difficult and expensive to find, but they can be an invaluable addition to your aquarium.

These unique and gorgeous clownfish require specialized breeding techniques to produce the color morphs. So, they’re in high demand.
either side of its head.

What is the easiest clownfish to keep?

The Ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is often considered the easiest clownfish species to keep in a home aquarium. They are hardy, adaptable, and relatively tolerant of most deviations from ideal conditions.

What Is the most peaceful clownfish?

It’s believed that the true percula clownfish (Amphiprion percula) is the most peaceful clownfish species. They’re not particularly aggressive or territorial, as they have a peaceful temperament and easily coexist with other species.

Regardless of how peaceful a particular species is, you should always be careful when introducing new clownfish into a tank. Provide plenty of hiding spots like corals to help them establish a sense of security.

How many clownfish should be kept together?

It’s best to keep clownfish in pairs or smaller groups of 5–6. Clownfish groups typically consist of a dominant female and multiple subordinate males. It’s possible to keep multiple groups of clownfish in the same aquarium if it’s large enough and if there’s enough hiding space.

Another thing to note is that you shouldn’t mix species within a single group. The dominant female tends to be extremely territorial and aggressive.

What is the lifespan of a clownfish?

A clownfish has an average lifespan of about 3 to 5 years in captivity and about 6 to 8 in the wild. Some species can live upwards of 30 years if the conditions are right, though this is extremely rare.

If you’re an aquarium enthusiast and take good care of your aquarium, you might get lucky with your clownfish. Although they live longer in the wild, they can reach 8–10 years in captivity in good conditions.

Should I feed my clownfish every day?

You should feed your clownfish every day. Clownfish are opportunistic feeders, so they should be given food regularly. They’re also active, so ensuring that they have plenty of energy is essential for their health. Food also provides them with nutrients that boost their immune system.

To ensure your clownfish live long, healthy lives, feed them a varied diet. They can eat algae, crustaceans, plankton, and other bits of seafood.

Do clownfish need anemone?

Clownfish don’t need anemone to thrive in captivity. Clownfish like to form symbiotic relationships with anemone in the wild, but they’re not essential. Moreover, keeping anemone in an aquarium poses significant challenges.

Clownfish benefit from the shelter anemone provides. But something as simple as a PVC pipe or an aquatic plant can do the same.

What are clownfishes favorite food?

Clownfish love to eat crustaceans, plankton, algae, and small invertebrates. So, if you’re keeping clownfish, it’s best to feed them a diet similar to what they’d find in the wild.

Offer them a variety of high-quality pellets and flakes, frozen and live foods, and you could even offer them some vegetables.

Wrapping Up

Clownfish are an excellent choice for aquarium hobbyists looking to add a unique and vibrant touch to their tank. The clownfish variety is expansive, each with distinct characteristics and personalities. From the popular orange clownfish to the rare three-banded clownfish, they are sure to add color and excitement to any tank.

17 Types of Clownfish With Striking Colors - FishHQ (19)

Elle Riley

I’m Elle, the founder of FishHQ. I created this website to share knowledge, tips, and inspiration for beginner hobbyists to help them create a healthy, happy, and vibrant environment for their fish to thrive.

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17 Types of Clownfish With Striking Colors - FishHQ (2024)


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Description. The clownfish can be many different colours, depending on its species, including yellow, orange, red, and black. Most have white details.

Are there 30 known species of clownfish? ›

There are at least 30 known species of clownfish, most of which live in the shallow waters of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the western Pacific. They are not found in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, or Atlantic Ocean.

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McCullochi (Amphiprion mccullochi)

Its tiny natural range is closed to fishing making it one of the rarest Clownfish in the aquarium hobby. It is typically dark brown to black in color with a white tail and single white head bar. Juveniles tend to be more brown in coloration and have three bars.

What are the 7 classifications of a clownfish? ›

  • KingdomAnimaliaanimals.
  • ClassActinopterygiiray-finned fishes. Actinopterygii: information (1)Actinopterygii: pictures (1173)Actinopterygii: specimens (21)
  • OrderPerciformes. ...
  • FamilyPomacentridaeDamselfishes. ...
  • GenusAmphiprion. ...
  • SpeciesAmphiprion ocellarisClown anemonefish.

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Develop a mated pair.

Begin by buying two clownfish when they are still young. One of the amazing things about clownfish is that they are all born neither male or female, so you don't have to worry about getting one male and one female. Any pair will do.

Do clownfish have 400 eggs? ›

Clownfish are omnivorous. They feed mainly on filamentous algae, planktonic copepods and benthic crustaceans. When a female is ready to mate, the male will perform a courtship and the female will deposit 400 to 1,000 eggs on the rock next or under their anemone host.

Are black clownfish real? ›

Description: The Black ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), also known as the Black percula or Black and white false Percula clownfish is very distinctive with its jet-black body and three white stripes on each side. It has gray/orange irises.

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Before you go thinking that clownfish should be orange, black and white and that's it, just remember that there is at least one species, the blue stripe clownfish, which has a great deal of natural blue coloring in its bars.

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ORA Premium Picassos are an extremely rare and highly sought after variant of the Percula Clownfish. The Picasso variant occurs naturally in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea however it is exceptionally rare.

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Description: Pink skunk clownfish are usually pink to pinkish orange in color with pale to transparent fins. They have a white dorsal stripe extending from the head to the caudal tail and a second, vertical, stripe between the head and the rest of the body. Size: They reach a maximum of four inches (10 cm) in length.

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The SA Super Fancy Clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris, is a variety of the common orange ocellaris clownfish developed at Sustainable Aquatics for its additional thicker black coloration in the fins and body along with a deep red/orange body color.

Is Nemo a real clownfish? ›

The clownfish featured in 'Finding Nemo' are Percula clownfish or 'Amphiprion percula'. There are 30 different species of clownfish, we keep three different kinds including the percula. Percula clownfish are found in the Western pacific - Queensland and Melanesia.

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There are reports of much older clownfish in captivity and some people even reporting having had their clownfish for 30 years, with the oldest reported at 41 years of age. Such life expectancy is 6 times greater than that of fish with similar sizes.

Are clownfish cute? ›

Clownfish got famous through the movie “Finding Nemo” and possibly every scuba diver loves them. Yet these little orange fish are not just too cute, but also amazingly interesting and weird.

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This individual doesn't have oddly shaped and broken stripes like Mike Hoang's Goldflake GSM clownfish and is nowhere near as cool as the wild-caught Lightning Maroon Clown. Instead, this GSM beauty has a deep purple, almost plum colored, body topped off with a bright orange bottom lip.

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The holy grail of clownfish breeding used to be an all white morph but since this has been achieved in three species already, breeders have had to set their sights higher, and for an even more exotic color.

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Amphiprion perideraion

Description: Pink skunk clownfish are usually pink to pinkish orange in color with pale to transparent fins. They have a white dorsal stripe extending from the head to the caudal tail and a second, vertical, stripe between the head and the rest of the body.

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Clownfish are small-sized, 10–18 centimetres (3.9–7.1 in), and depending on species, they are overall yellow, orange, or a reddish or blackish color, and many show white bars or patches.

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